
China's current urban heating area has reached 11 billion square meters, and the average annual growth rate of 200-300 million square meters, the annual energy consumption for heating in the country accounts for 10% of the country's total energy consumption. Due to the increase of urban environmental pressure and heating cost, heating enterprises must implement industrial upgrading by means of advanced information technology to improve system operation efficiency, reduce heating energy consumption and reduce environmental pollution.

Heating companies have long changed the situation of watching the fire in the past, depending on the feeling of running. A considerable part of the newly built heat exchange station has been equipped with modern control equipment to enable remote monitoring of data, even unattended. Thermal operation Dynamic production data volume is huge, and massive information only stays in the stage of forming data reports. Most of the operators only read the data reports every day, and still issued the scheduling instructions according to the traditional regulation methods. They did not play a more effective role in system operation condition analysis, operation plan formulation, operation accident prevention and treatment, operation energy consumption evaluation and service effect evaluation.

Based on the concept of industrial interconnection, OMEXELL's Smart heating system improves the utilization of system resources by providing computing power and massive storage resource capabilities for massive information from the Internet of Things. Thermal cloud computing platform adopts virtual technology to realize thermal data cloud storage and thermal cloud computing, and provides corresponding cloud services for software and hardware resource management and optimal scheduling analysis. Users can access cloud resources through network browsers, client applications, personal computers, tablet computers, smart phones and other terminals.

OMEXELL intelligent heating system has a complete intelligent decision support system, which can provide decision makers with alternative decision-making schemes, evaluate various schemes, and propose the most reasonable operational decision-making scheme. Its main functions include the use of real-time and historical operation data provided by the Internet of things, the mining of historical data and the identification of online data, and the realization of intelligent control functions of heating system such as real-time load forecasting, simulation calculation of thermal and hydraulic conditions of heat network, operation scheduling of minimum transmission energy consumption, operation of heat network and failure monitoring and alarm.

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